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Friday, August 31, 2012

a full week of firsts!

I must admit....I was feeling a bit on the overwhelmed side during the week before this last week.  I felt like we were just going and going with no time to spare.  And then with this past week...with the start of the 'new year' I was skeptical.

But I am so happy to report that we had a wonderful week.  Lots of firsts and I'm excited for our new schedule.

 I guess the biggest new thing was Parker's first day of K4.  She's still enjoying it so far and I hope she keeps it up!  This is the one time it pays off to have an early riser/morning child.  ;)

On Wednesday, I asked her teacher how she was doing...and she said she was doing well...the only thing was that she is always wanting to know what they are doing next.  I had to laugh.  Each night before she goes to bed she asks what we are doing the next day.  And she accept answers like "Going to the zoo" or "Just going to stay home tomorrow".....she needs me to break it down for her: "We're going to wake some projects...get some lunch....have quiet dinner....then play....then watch a show...then time for night-night."  And if that's not enough....she responds with, "And then what are we going to do the next day?"  Ahh!  It can make my mind spin!  Sometimes I don't know what exactly we are going to do, and sometimes I just don't want to tell her quite yet in case it doesn't actually happen!  ;)  I don't think I made her this way....but I guess I do kind of like to have a plan in my head, too.


Our gymnastics did some schedule changing so we stopped back in June for a little break.  Parker started back up a few weeks ago, but we were still waiting for a class to open up for Grace.  Poor Grace was so patient watching her sister do gymnastics even though she was not.  Well- a class finally opened up.  And since she's still 2- we had to sign her back up for the Tiny Tots class (which is where parents follow them around and help them along)....but I was really wanting her to be able to move up to the next level as soon as possible because then her and Parker could go at the same time...which would be a huge timesaver!!  So I told her teacher this....I said I don't want to push her to the next level if she's not ready because that won't do anyone any good...but when she would be great!

And oh my goodness!  She did SO good!  It's like she had even gotten better over the past 2 months not doing anything.  She did everything independently!  I was so proud.  And at the end of the class her teacher said she was ready to move up.  This made me even more happy!  Now both girls will go at the same time...and I get to just sit back and watch them both.  ;)


 Both girls started dance this week which they were both really excited about.  Parker is now in the 5-7 year old class and I think she did all right.  I tried to watch through the window some toward the end of class...but when she saw me she couldn't follow directions.  :)  So I might not be watching her for a while.

I thought after this full week for Parker she'd be worn out...but she is still just full of energy.  Makes me realize even more how she's getting older...needing less sleep...and able to do more.  (I have a separate post for Grace's dance since it was her very first class ever.)


And this is a halloween costume spoiler...but Parker and Payton want to be cheerleaders this year...and I found a good price on one at Target.  She begged and begged for me to let her try it on.  She even ran and put on her tennis shoes.  And she told me for halloween she also needed her hair in pig tails with 2 pink bows and earrings...just like the girl on the picture.  Oh brother.  So I told her this was a one time try on and then we have to wait until halloween or it will be worn out.  Glad I have their costumes out of the way though and a total of $20.  (Grace is going to use Payton's Little Mermaid costume from last year).


 And another first.....Parker is now old enough for Children's Church at our church.  It used to start with kinder...but now they are allowing the 4 year olds to come.  So happy for her.  I know she had a great time and will learn so much more this year.


life rearranged


Viv said...

oh my, I'm sort of like Parker too I guess, wanting to know what the future holds. I love her cheerleader outfit! Grace is always so happy and can't wait to see more of her at gymnastics and Parker at dance!

malory said...

such a CUTE family! great pics of your week too! how precious is your little planner...I know my fam would agree that I too LOVE to have a plan, etc. stopping by from life rearranged :) have a great weekend!!!


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