I am so far behind in posting photos from my phone, but like I've said many times over...these are some of my favorite moments captured. I may have posted some of these before, but I honestly can't remember. Ha! So here they are...
The week after Christmas....Geoff took the girls to see Frozen again. It was his first time and their second time. I think they were all so excited to be going somewhere together.
Parker and Grace share a room. This is mostly good. But we are kind of at the point where Parker needs less sleep than Grace. So our solution (for now)...is that a few days out of the week, we let her 'sneak' out of her room and spend a little extra time just with Geoff and me. It has been good for all of us. She loves this time, and seems to do ok with a little less sleep (still about 10 hours).
Some things she gets to do...
Making PW chocolate chip cookie sweet rolls. I had been craving for weeks and just had to make. So. Good. I still have an extra pan I froze that maybe I should warm up tomorrow!
And some nights it's tic tac toe.
Sometimes it's Shoots and Ladders with Geoff.
And her new interest. Connect Four. And let me tell you....I do not let her win. She has gotten really good at this game and beats me quite a bit. She really takes it seriously.
It's in these moments...when she's the only child in the room, that I'm really really able to see and appreciate how big she's getting....and what a smart, clever, and sweet girl she is. I hope she always remembers these special times.
Grace turned 4 a couple of weeks ago and had a Frozen themed party. So I have a few pictures on my phone from preparation to the actual party.
Left this guy unattended for less than a minute. Love his face, though, it's like "what mom?"
This girl is just growing up! She attended a birthday party for a girl in her class. It was her very first 'drop off' party. It was only for a few hours, but still. She had lots of fun and now can't wait to have a party where she invites her friends, too.
Just dressing up one day and wanting me to take her picture.
These squishy, crossed legs! He plays like this a lot.
I finally got around to changing out a few pictures on this gallery wall. There were a couple that I didn't just love, and then I added a couple with Nolan.
A couple of weeks ago, my sister and her family were over for football and fajitas...and since Nolan was napping, I was finally able to snuggle her up. Having a baby myself...I'm not able to love on her as much as I'd like. Sweet girl.
Confession. I think writing thank you notes is so very important. But sometimes, I fail to get them out. And I really want to teach the girls to do this, as well. So finally....4 months later....I made these fill in the blank thank you notes for Parker to send out from her birthday. Better late than never. Right??
Just an afternoon at Costco with our littlest 2 sitting in the cart together.
Someone was tired and cranky. I'll give you one guess.
Since this guy started crawling...he's started pulling himself up on his knees. From behind, I think it's just the cutest thing.
Middle sis never seems to get enough attention I feel like. I think it's a combination of....she just sort of, by default, demands less of me in the areas of discipline (this is slowing shifting in the wrong direction, I'm afraid)....and then she's not the baby anymore and the actual baby gets most attention. So...I'm really trying to be more intentional with my time on days that Parker is in school. When I put Nolan down for a nap to not let Grace watch a movie, but rather...pick out a game, a puzzle....whatever she wants. When I told her we could do this she said, "So we can play a game? And play with dollies?.....And then you have to do other stuff too, right?" Sweet girl. I told her no....I wouldn't do anything but play with her. She was elated. {now I realize this may not always be realistic...as I do have some other responsibilities that I might have to take care of like laundry, cleaning, and preparing dinner to make the evening run more smoothly, but I really am trying to give her more undivided attention).
This boy cut his 3rd tooth 2 weeks ago. I was up with him 4 times. Which pretty much seemed like all. night. long. Those teeth just really get to him! Bless his heart.
Sweet boy all tuckered out after being at his sisters' friend's birthday party.
Some days I get really overwhelmed with it all. Feeling like I'm pulled in so many directions. For example....my intent is to spend more quality time with the girls....but I fail because I get caught up sometimes doing the 'one more thing'...like, "I'll be right there I'm just going to finish cleaning the kitchen." And "I'm just going to pick up this room real quick and then I'l be right there." And before I know it....an hour has passed and now Nolan's awake and I can't do what it was that I set out to do with them.
I digress.
So the laundry and toys had {have} taken over. I mean- the laundry had literally piled up!
And on this day I just decided to embrace it. Thankful for the clothes because it meant that we had them. Thankful for a toy laden living room because it meant we had toys and that our house was full of little ones. It's all about perspective.
And on this day I just decided to embrace it. Thankful for the clothes because it meant that we had them. Thankful for a toy laden living room because it meant we had toys and that our house was full of little ones. It's all about perspective.
One morning Geoff let me sleep in a little. And when I came out of the bedroom I saw this. All 3 playing. My heart is full.
Found you on InstaFriday! Sweet post of your precious family. And, I think your perspective is spot on. Blessings to you!
Life has always pulled us in different direction. I think once we have children we just notice it more. Love the decorating for the Frozen party. I am thinking of having a Frozen themed party for my daughter also. Beautiful family.
Brought tears to my eyes, so sweet and wonderful! And yes, you're right, such blessings!
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