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Friday, August 29, 2008

...and breathe...

I was able to stop and breathe today because I was not in school and was home with Parker! It was the best medicine after a long week! It may be my imagination, but I think she grew an inch taller this week! Seriously...I don't know if it was an inch, but I guess not being with her 24/7, I actually noticed that she grew.

So enough about me and my week. This is something that I have been trying to get around to sharing for about a week or so...

I had mentioned the other day how Parker likes to carry around her pajama pants and this is so fun to her, but actually...what she really does is...she randomly find something (pajamas, a shirt, pants, blanket, etc.) and for whatever reason, this becomes her favorite little 'item.' It remains her 'favorite item' for about 20 minutes or so and during this time, she walks around with it, she may try to pick up her ball at the same time (and gets pretty frustrated when she is not successful...sometimes I have to take this item away from her if she starts throwing her head back and falling onto the ground in a fit for no apparent reason other than this clothing item is making her upset????) and has newly started draping them over her shoulders like a shawl, or putting it on top of her head (I guess she is trying to "put it on" like we put her shirts on over her head). Too cute...

And she also likes to pick up the phone, push some buttons, and then put the phone up to her neck (that's close enough ;). Or even if she's just pushing buttons on the phone and then we say "Hello?"...she stops, looks up at us, and then puts the phone up. Where does she get this from? Hmmmmmm.....


Anonymous said...

Granny says:
She is truly enjoying these new
things. Love you so much

Viv said...

My, it looks like she has grown some to me too. Her hair sure has grown since the last pics. I'm so glad you made it through your first week! I remember when the babies started picking up the phone to call me, it is just so cute. (play like calling me that is) Love to you all, Aunt "B"

Harley Chick said...

Precious - Parker!

Marla - the photo of Parker holding the phone (actually looking into the camera) I can see a lot of you in her!

(this is the fun stage - when they mimic everything you do!)

Crystal said...

Harrison does the same thing! He picks up the phone, pushes a button, holds it to his ear and talks and talks and laughs and talks...then he says "bye" and pushes another button and them puts down the phone! It's so cute! They are growing up so happy we have kids almost the same age!

Harrison also shines the flashlight up and stares at the wall...Tristan wanted me to inform you.


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