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Friday, August 22, 2008

Flashback Friday...

Is it Friday already? Really?? Anyway...the video below is from October 31, 2007. Parker was 6 weeks old. These were the days where from about 7:30 in the morning until 10 at night, she would only take about three- 30 minute naps a day. Yikes. So as you can imagine...most of the time "awake" was spent crying! Don't get me wrong...although these were rough times during the day, she was a great baby at night, and at 6 weeks, she was already sleeping about 5-6 hours straight! My pediatrician said , "this is your trade-off!" And my how her cry has changed! Then the video jumps to November 12th and I just added that in because it was next on the video. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Viv said...

Goodness Gracious! She hasn't changed a whole lot though in the face, she's still got those sweet little cheeks! By the way, we loved the invite and look forward to it! Love you all, Aunt "B"


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