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Monday, November 7, 2011

Our visit to Six Flags

This past Saturday, we were able to go to Six Flags for a semi-private day-- I got the tickets through my work.  There were still quite a few people there, but the lines were not very long at all.  In addition- it was a beautiful day!

Parker was so funny, too, leading up to our time to go, because she couldn't always remember the number in front of the flags.  She told someone we were going to "Four Flags.....or it Eight Flags?  I don't know!"

Geoff had been at the deer lease for a couple of days and didn't get home until early Saturday afternoon, so I tried to have everything together and ready to go so that after he showered we could be out the door.  

But alas- we somehow made it out the door with out Grace's shoes.  Yes- at Six Flags.  With no shoes.  And un-matching, mis-sized socks, at that!  Yes- we were those people that you might look at and think- how could they let their one-year old walk around with no shoes?  

But we didn't let it slow us down, and it really wasn't too bad because she stayed in the stroller most of the time.


The first ride- these little tea cups....

the hat....

We all rode the carousel....

Waiting in line for the 'big' swings.....

Geoff's view from his phone.....

The ride was about to start....

Geoff did so good and videoed their entire ride.  Love this video.  Smiled the whole time I watched it.

Parker rode the "Boot Scootin'" ride by herself, and Grace did not want to.

I think we rode the old time-y cars next-  I rode with Parker and Geoff rode with Grace.

Grace did ok until she saw me.  Geoff also said that because Parker and I kept stopping abruptly (Parker kept telling me she wanted to hold down the pedal so I would let her try, but it is hard to hold down)- that scared her, too.

From our car....

And again- Geoff caught this great video...

All sizes could ride this!

Geoff took this picture while they were on this ride...

And I snapped this one as they were coming out of the ride...

Grace's favorite ride....the swings in kiddie land.

Grace didn't want to get off and since they were the only ones riding the ride, she stayed on for the second time around all by herself.  And when I went to get it after her second time, she kept telling me, "Un mer dime!" for 'one more time'!

Next they rode the planes.

This was one of the last rides we tried to get them to ride, but Grace was having nothing to do with it.

So I just held her and took a few pictures....

We saw and did and rode a lot more than pictured, but this is what I got.

The park closed at 6pm, and since we were a ways from home, we decided to eat dinner in Arlington.  The first place we came to- Humperdinks.  We knew we were on borrowed time with these 2 tired girls.  Parker even kept telling us she was so tired.  Luckily- we had a good waitress and she brought them a little 'surprise' at the end of chocolate pudding, crushed oreos, and gummy worms.  Grace loved hers, but Parker was 'done' by this point and threw a fit that it was not ice cream......

Parker was alseep 5 minutes into the car ride home.  It took Grace about 20 minutes and she was out.

Geoff and I were tired, too.  Getting into bed at 9:30.  So early for us!  But I think we needed that sleep.


The last time Geoff and I had been to Six Flags was the day after he proposed back in September of 2005.  We took this photo booth picture.  It's not the best, but I've always loved it.  I mean- I even framed it.

I tried to find a photo booth at Six Flags, but couldn' we used a photo booth iPhone app that's pretty neat.  And now- this, too, is one of my favorites.  Our family now....just over 6 years later.....


Viv said...

oh my, I remembered the photo booth from before. Looks like ya'll had a great time though and I loved the videos and all the pics. I'll bet ya'll were tired!

Barbara said...

It looks like you had such a fun trip. I like the photobooth pics! What cute memories!


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