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Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat! - Halloween Part II

I know it's 4 days past Halloween, but definitely want to document our trick-or-treating.  This was Grace's first time to actually do a little 'trick-or-treating.'

A few weeks ago...actually a few months ago- I ask Parker what she wanted to be for Halloween.  She told me, 'A cupcake.'  I asked her multiple times...."Are you sure you want to be the cupcake?  You don't want to be a princess?"   And each time she'd answer with confidence that she wanted to be a cupcake.

She's actually been a cupcake for the past 2 years, (20092010) and it hangs in her closet- we've just never put it up for some reason.  So I am thinking she sees it hanging in there, and then thinks that this is just what she wears each Halloween.  :)  Fine by me!  ;)

I had decided early on I wasn't going to make a big fuss on costumes this year.  We have a lot of other things going on, and so I wasn't going to stress myself with it.  I wasn't going to spend the money, and just didn't have the energy to create anything.  So cupcake it was!

But last week while at Joann's, I decided that I could probably pull off a Little Mermaid costume.  I thought she would love it.  I got some purple sparkly material, and thought that if I had time, I would do it as a surprise.

We'll....time ran short, as it tend to do.  But when I woke up Monday afternoon- she informed me that she did not want to be the cupcake and she wanted to be a princess.  I wasn't going to argue.  We have plenty of dress up clothes she can wear.  But I was feeling adventurous and whipped out this costume in less than an hour!  Luckily- I had this green tulle (even though Little Mermaids fins are more of an aqua?).

Can you see the joy in her eyes??  I don't think it's quite what she had in mind....but for less than an hour of work, not bad.  The sad (and partly funny part) is....Kristin had told me a month or so ago that Payton was going to be the Little Mermaid.  And I am sure I knew that subconsciously, and after telling me over the phone that day that that is what Payton was, I remembered, but really did slip my mind.  I had forgotten?  It's hard to believe.  And honestly- when these things happen....when I forget things like's really an eye opener.  Time to slow things down, you know?)

Kristin, Phil and Payton came over a little before dinner.  The girls decorated cupcakes that Kristin made....

My little mermaid.  ;)

I first found the idea for the mummy hotdogs through a link on Muffin Tin Mom found here.  These are delicious!  I know it's just hot dogs and crescent rolls, but a nice spin on a normal hotdog and bun.

All but half....out of 12....were eaten.  Basically between 4 adults....because Grace had half of one....and Parker and Payton had none.  :)

Kristin also brought queso...

and chips and salsa from Chili's.  Yum.

Grace wore Payton's Minnie Mouse costume from last year.  This is her right after she put it on.  She loved it.

Grace wouldn't stand by the giant pumpkin.  ;)

Parker said to me, "Mommy- I just want to run....back and forth....back and forth."  And she did.  And, of course, monkey see, monkey do.

Grace and Payton's very first trick-or-treating experience.

You see- Grace had it all figured out.  She went to a few houses....then was perfectly content being pulled in her wagon eating her candy.  She's a smart one.  ;)  Because she really doesn't get any of 'her' candy now that Halloween is over....and so sitting in that wagon was really her only chance.  Parker's candy will slowly disappear, but right now she is able to eat one piece during 'quiet time.'

{On a side note, but want to write this down so I don't forget.  My friend, Jodie, does something where the Candy Fairy comes and they pay?  (Sorry, Jodie, if I am butchering this).  Anyway- this is a great idea, but I didn't think it all the way through or get all of my facts before telling Parker about the 'Candy Fairy'.

But on the day after halloween, I told her that the Candy Fairy would come while she was asleep and take her candy to other children that didn't have candy and that she would leave her some money.  Her eyes got really wide and she gasped, then whispered, "Well then, Mommy, I need to go hide my candy so the Candy Fair won't get it."

I dropped the whole thing after this, realizing I didn't know the rules of the 'Candy Fairy'....but will find out soon.

Anyway- Wednesday morning she comes into our bedroom to wake us.  She quickly asks, "Where is my candy??"  Geoff tells her that he put it back in the entry way where it was because.......he didn't know why the bucket was hiding behind our curtains.

And Parker told that the Candy Fairy wouldn't take her candy to the other kids.

This was the first Geoff had heard about the Candy Fairy.  ;)  

She has also asked me several time where the Candy Fairy is....what she wears.....does she she big like us or small like Tinkerbell? }

We made it home in time to hand out some of our candy.  The kids that did make it to our house got quite a handful as it was getting late and we wanted to get rid of it all!  Next year one will stay behind to hand out candy the whole time, but for this was Grace's first and all.


Viv said...

Well, they all just looked so durn cute as usual. I think Grace had the right idea. I also want to hear the details on the Candy Fairy, she really sounds like a wonderful idea!

Sayaka said...

Oh my gosh, your daughters are ADORABLE!! My 3 year old daughter was actually a cupcake this year :-)

Jennifer said...

Megan was talking about someone she either knows or saw online that does the 'switch witch' I don't like witches, so we could do something like a candy fairy. But they trade for a toy I think. You'll have to ask her.


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