So I quietly slipped out of bed and headed to the living room where I paid bills. Haha. Sounds like so much fun, I know. But it did feel good to get it done and out of the way.
About 6:50 I heard Grace crying out. So I went ahead and went in there. Usually I am crossing my fingers for them to sleep in a bit...but on this morning, I was just ready to see soak them up.
I picked her up and rocked her for about 10 minutes. It felt so good to just hold her little body tight. I said a prayer thanking Him for this beautiful day he was giving us together as a family.
After we rocked a bit....we headed to the kitchen. I have been having my eye on this blueberry breakfast cake for a few months now. And since I had a) a little time, and b) buttermilk....I set out to make it happen.
I loved having my little helper. Don't get me wrong- I love it when Parker helps....and I love it when both help. But it was nice to have just Grace help...which never happens. It was just a fun moment because I was able to do this with just Parker at her age.....and I loved being able to give Grace all of the attention- which is rare.
I didn't have the lemon zest or fresh blueberries that the recipe called for....but went ahead and anyway. I did have these really large frozen blueberries that I used instead since I had them...and really- I thought it turned out great! Will definitely make again! I think I overcooked a bit because it was a little dry....but it actually reminded me of St@rbucks blueberry scones I used to get back in the day.
After breakfast....Parker made us some tea for our blueberry cake...
Then quickly switched from playing 'tea party' to playing 'order.' This is the game where I 'order' and then she proceeds to tell me that they 'don't have that here'....then I have to continue to 'order.' Fun for her, I guess. ;)
Little sister wanted to take my order, too....
Quick costume change about 5 minutes later.....and we are playing 'store'.....
Counting out our money......3 coins x 5 cars.....
I did some more 'organizing' in the office and let the girls play with the marbles for a bit.....
A cute little, fun and easy lunch.....chicken noodle soup- princess chicken noodle soup, that is- heart grilled cheese, and fruit.
The girls ate it up! This was my first time to make them soup and Grace ate every last bite....and wanted "mer" {more}.
Having some trouble with the small spoon.....
Problem solved!
And to finish off an already great day (minus the fact that Geoff was sick for the second time in almost a month with a sinus infection....he did drs appointment and rest most of the day which was not fun, but we didn't let it slow us down; thankfully he was rested up for this last part of our day)...MOVIE night! This was our first ever Movie Night and we will definitely be doing this again. I had told the girls about it the day before and Parker was looking forward to it so much. She was telling everyone she came into contact with. So fun to see her so excited.
The girls chased me around with the 'mean witch' and the 'dragon'..
Then it was time to lay out our pallet! The girls were just so giddy. It was hard to not smile....;)
Parker even ran into our hall closet and started preparing for the night saying she also wanted to play games. I told her we could, too. I am also looking forward to future family game nights!
I was going to make an easy recipe, but at the last minute decided to order pizza. The girls eat it so well AND no clean-up.
So we had our pizza....then brought out the 'movie candy' (the girls' favorite part, I'm sure). Then before the movie started I wanted to get a family picture. If we didn't do it then....I knew we wouldn't. I included some outtakes because we had so much fun doing this.....
Me, Geoff, and Grace need to work on our silly faces. Parker- great job!
Parker wanted to take one picture of Grace, Geoff, and me....but I had forgotten to turn off the timer. So when she pushed the button it started to beep. Parker quickly put the camera down and ran to us....the camera was set down at an angle so we streeetched over to try to make it in the shot. Love this picture.
So this was our day. The girls and I didn't leave the was cold outside, but sunny.... filling the rooms with sunshine....we were just so laid whining.....just us.....soaking it all in....
Love days like that. How did the girls like Lady and The Tramp? I need to get a few new movies for Reagan and I forgot about that one.
Glad you have a wonderful day with your loves!
Looks like a fun, relaxing, and nice day!! I love those days! Doesn't happen very often because were all usually on the go! But, when it does it is sure priceless!
love those kind of days too. I knew Parker was excited about 'movie night' because she told us about it on Friday. I LOVED all the pictures! Priceless!
Love the family pictures!
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