Day 3 was spent at Hollywood Studios.
(It was sometimes hard to get pics in front of the places we wanted because of the sun....but if we didn't do it then I was afraid we wouldn't! This will suffice though.
First order of business.....character breakfast at Hollywood & Vine.
They had a pretty nice breakfast spread including Mickey waffles!
During breakfast...we were able to meet a few of the stars from Disney Jr. shows. And while we don't have cable now...we used to and my sister does so the girls are still very familiar with them. :)
During breakfast they also had a conga line. Parker joined in right as Oso was walking by and they held hands all around the restaurant.
Grace just observed the conga dancing from afar. :)
Parker and Jake
Jake was so sweet to sit down next to Grace to try to get her to warm up...
She wouldn't give him a high-five....BUT she wasn't screaming bloody murder either. Ha!
After I took this next picture....I looked at it on the little camera screen and showed Geoff and just teared up (probably hormones!). I told him to look at her face....just pure joy! She loved hugging those characters!
Parker and June
We watched this little 15-minute Little Mermaid puppet show. The girls really enjoyed this. Really- anytime they saw a princess we couldn't go wrong. (also no flash photography inside so we just sat and enjoyed it)
We went inside the Disney Animation building. They had a few places to meet characters from The Incredibles and from Wreck it, Ralph...both of which the girls had no interest so we did not pursue (which was fine with me).
But we did take a little 15-minute drawing class that the whole fam got to participate in, and we all enjoyed.
The instructor chose for all of us to draw Stitch....and so she would talk and tell us what to do while she drew it on the projector.
Grace had more fun playing with the animated chairs than drawing, but that's completely to be expected. ;)
This next picture I zoomed and cropped the one above (so it's a little blurry) just so you can see Parker's drawing better. I think she did SO good! The stuff above his head and between his ears is a rainbow and something else she drew about midway through the 'class' when she got a little board. ;) But still. I was impressed!

And the interesting fact we took away from the class is that Mulan and Lilo & Stitch were completely animated and made right here in this studio! I don't know why, but I just thought it was so neat. Now, of course, since Pixar is so big they don't really do much in the animation department, but whatever is left of it is all in Hollywood now and nothing is in Florida.
Then we headed to this outdoor theatre (completely covered) for the Beauty and the Beast show.
They told a very short and condensed version of the movie....all in about 20 minutes.
Grace did like the show...but she did not like anything that was loud the entire trip.
The fighting at the end....
And he's saved!
We had really good seats for this show and the girls loved it. When Belle or the other characters would come out their faces would just light up!
By the time this show was over it was only 1:30 in the was getting pretty warm outside. And the girls were DONE. Parker wanted to look in the store and pick something out and take it back to the hotel and play. They were both in meltdown mode. I think Geoff and I were almost to that point as well!
But we pushed on because I felt like it was just too early to leave.
I had really wanted to check out this Toy Story ride but all the fast passes were gone for the day and when we had passed by it earlier...there was a 70 minute wait. Just too long with the kids.
Well when we passed by this was only a 50 minute wait (I know!) and one of the guys out front told us that normally it's a 120-minute wait so this wasn't too bad. So we made the executive decision to just go. And I'm so glad we did!
I'm not sure if the wait was really 50 minutes or not, but it didn't seem that way. The line was in air conditioning and there was so much to look at. Including this singing/talking Mr. Potato head.
And the Scr@bble board ceiling. Just so neat.
After the ride we headed to Pizza Planet for a late lunch. I told Parker this is where Andy's mom took him and his sister in Toy Story. She thought that was pretty neat and wanted Buzz and Woody to visit. They did not visit...but they were just down the street a bit.... and they chose not to visit them. And believe me I tried. Geoff said I should just go have a picture with them since it seemed to mean so much to me. Ha!
After lunch we told them just one more stop (don't know how many times we told them this!). Geoff wanted to ride Star Tours and Parker was just tall enough to ride, too.
I can't help but laugh at this picture that Geoff took of them while waiting in line. She wasn't upset at this point just very serious.
I wasn't quick enough with the camera....but as they exited I saw that Parker was not a happy camper and was crying. Bless her heart. Geoff said she was doing well until the part where it looked like they went under water and Parker asked him, "are we under water?" and Geoff said "yes". Wrong answer!!! It scared her to think she was underwater and she never recovered. She asked why Daddy lied to her for a good 15 minutes after the show. haha!! :)
But it wasn't so upsetting that a little ice cream could not fix.
Don't know why I just love this next picture of her.
Final destination at Hollywood Studios was the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids play yard.
We shrunk!
Geoff and I thought it was so neat because we loved and remembered watching that movie growing up. The kids loved it because they could just play and play. It's like even though the girls were so tired....they still needed the opportunity to exert their physical energy...which is something I didn't even think of...but they LOVED this play place as well as the Bone Yard in Animal Kingdom.
My Lite-Brite was one of my favorite toys growing up and I have wanted to get the girls one, but they just aren't made the same and don't look as fun so, I haven't thus far.
Their favorite part of this play yard was the spider webs they could climb. Geoff went with Grace and Parker basically ran circles around them. All of them just doing it over and over again!
We're pretty small compared to an ant!
Looking up at the dirt, mushrooms, and grass....
After the last time (only because we told them so)...they both crashed.
I can't help but laugh. We could not have posed this picture if we'd wanted to!
We didn't really get them much 'stuff' on the trip...but they 'earned' these on this day. For the past couple of weeks they have been asking me about a "Little Mermaid Getting Married doll" (basically Ariel in a wedding dress)...and I told them there was no such thing. Well....apparently there is! When she saw this she got so excited and didn't want to look any further for anything else.
And Parker had seen this Cinderella/Prince getting married play set earlier in the day and knew what she wanted when we finally went back to the shop at the end of our day. It was our leverage. (Or bribery...whatever you'd like to call it!)
We made it back to the hotel by 7ish I think, and we all got cleaned up and the girls played for a good while. They had missed this too....their pretend play. Like I said would just think that they had enough to keep them occupied in Disney World...and they ddi....but they still needed some normal things like physical and their pretend play.
On a side note.....there is SO much more to do in Hollywood Studios I feel like we didn't even scratch the surface. Most of which, I think, Geoff and I would have thoroughly enjoyed...but the girls would not have (like the stunt shows, the Jedi training camp for kids, and a lot of other things I can't remember right now!). They slowed us down! :) I know I have a lot of pictures from this day, but still feel like we didn't 'do' much. But we never stopped!
But I've also learned (and been told) can never do it all, but just have to get in as much as you can and then make sure you do what you missed the next time you go!
Day 4: Back to Magic Kingdom!
1 comment:
I have been out of the house all day and have been looking forward to getting home just so I could read this blog!!!! ( I know I could've done it on my iphone, but I wanted a big screen...teehee!) There are so many great pictures in this post. The girls laying down exhausted has to be my favorite. Also, Parker's drawing is freaking FANTASTIC. I've drawn Tigger there and basically it looked like a huge chin with eyes. You and Geoff did a great job too! I mean, I'm impressed! I'm glad that you loved it! Hollywood Studios is more fun for adults I think bc the big rides are there and those are FUN! I'm glad you went to Pizza Planet too. :) Next time you go Geoff and baby boy will definitely need to see the Car stunt show. It is phenomenal. I think the girls would like it too next time. There's a lot of explosions and loud cars and bikes though...and guns... :) I just love that you're already saying "next time." Once the Disney bug bites you can't deny yourself those trips! Love this post, love the pics! :) I'm excited for day 4!!!!!!
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