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Friday, December 27, 2013

christmas crafting

I have a few more 'Chrismtas posts'......maybe {maybe} I'll get through them before next year.  But probably not.  ;)

I really do enjoy crafting.  (I feel kinda silly saying that.)  Christmas came so quickly this year...and so the only new thing I really made was a burlap tree skirt (and also a wreath that I never hung or took a picture of, but will keep til next year).  I think I've mentioned before...but I'm slowly transitioning our Christmas decor from red and white/ ivory, tan burlap, and silver.

But onto my point....(I do realize I have a problem with doing that exact thing...getting. to. the. point.).

It wasn't until the week before Christmas that I was able to do some craft-y things (and I use the word 'craft-y' fairly loosely in these situations).

I made these little trains for Parker's class at school.  I remember my mom made these for me one year (maybe two) and I loved them.  They didn't really take too much time.  The only thing is....stick gum like big red and juicy fruit....well it now comes in different I improvised with Hubba Bubba gum.  

I wrapped white card stock around chocolate milk boxes for Parker's school party. and glued these circles (made with my circle punches) and triangle, carrot nose for the face.  I used glue tape for everything (I love glue tape).  We had  a snowman themed party...and I think the party turned out so cute.

We had these donuts to go with the chocolate milk.

And these turned out so so cute.  I used cut up and shaped orange startburts for the nose, black gel icing for the 'coal', m&ms, and fruit by the foot for the scarf (I think you could totally cut up a regular fruit roll up for this, too).

I made this S'mores gift box for Parker's teacher.  So easy and fun.  (And not to sound 'cheap'...but the total cost was under $15.)  This box would make at least 12 s'mores.

And lastly....I (well...Geoff and I) printed and cut out these photo props for the class party.  I think the kids had so much fun.  We just hot glued skewers (and also used skewers to actually reinforce the props).  And I am so sorry...I cannot find the link to these great printables!!

And our PTF (Parent Teacher a PTA) Starbucks gift cards for the teachers.  I placed in a small cup that Starbucks gave us, wrapped with ribbon and this tag...and voila!

1 comment:

Viv said...

As usual, brilliant, smart, tasteful and all so durn perfect!


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