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Monday, January 25, 2010

An attempt at newborn pictures....

And a measly attempt it was. We're hoping tomorrow we will be able to spend a little more time and try to get some good ones!


Heather said...

Oh I think they are cute and where did you get the hats? I need some cute ones for the girls!

Sorry we missed you in the hospital, my husbands lovely schedule. We would like to bring you dinner one night, Facebook me and let me know what would be a good time!

Brandi said...

They are cute! I read somewhere that placing a heating pad under the blanket keeps newborns comfy & sleepy for those sleepy-newborn pix! Can't wait to see some more:)

Kristin said...

They are good!!! She is so precious!!!

Kristin said...

The more i look at them in that last one she looks like Payton

Jodie said...

I love them all! She is precious!

Kelli @ Our Growing Family said...

So very precious!!! I love these!!! I need to hold her again!!

Viv said...

great pictures. She is beautiful!


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