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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Corrected Newborn Stat

Geoff's dad came to visit us for a little bit this afternoon/evening. He was holding Grace while I was resting. Geoff was sitting in a chair by the baby carrier that Grace was shuttled around in. On the outside of the carrier was Grace's information (height, weight, DOB and time of DOB) from when she was born written on a white piece of paper. On the inside was a pink card that read in big letters GIRL.

For no real reason, Geoff decided to pick up that pink card and read it. He looked over at me and said, "this card says she's 21 inches." The pink card had the same information as the white one except for that little 2 inch mistake.

Our newborn nurse came in shortly after and we asked her if she could confirm the length. She said she would go pull Grace's chart and she would be right back. After about two minutes she returned and stated, "53 centimeters." "21 inches it is."

So after all of that rambling Grace is 21 inches long and currently she is weighing 8lbs 3oz


Jamie said...

What did the other card say her length was?

Viv said...

That means I guess her length right, but was wrong on the weight. Bottom line is she is a beautiful, healthy baby girl!

Kristin said...

YEA that means I guessed her length right.... and her current weight was my guess too.. haha

I thought that little/long girl couldn't be 19 inches!!!


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