I read in my Baby Center email for Grace this week that she 'should' have discovered her hands by now....by touching them together and looking at them and blablabla.
After reading this....I thought to myself, "I don't think she does this."
Lo and behold....the very next day....I catch her doing this very thing on her play gym mat. It was the sweetest thing to me....she was just laying there.....literally staring at her hands. She seemed so intent....and for some reason...it just made me smile.
I took these pictures, now wishing I would have gotten a profile shot so that you could at least see her face looking at them.....but this what I got....and I think just her hands are pretty sweet, too.
Oh so sweet, I'd love to squeeze her. She is growing so fast.
Hope to see you soon,
Love ya,
Don't you just love Baby Center? I still get weekly emails for Reagan and I feel like they are so informative and right on. She looks so content just laying there checking out her hands. So sweet. The way it's going with two so far for you makes me really ready for #2.
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