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Friday, May 25, 2012

insta friday

Played a good ole game of Memory with Parker this week.  She's really starting to catch on.  And there's none of this "I need to let her win" stuff going on.  My memory is failing me.  ;)  haha.  Or I think my mind is just racing and so it's hard for me to focus.  Anyway- one game we tied, and another game she truly beat me!

And, of course, we have little sister who doesn't really want to play (not that she can yet)...but definitely wants to get in the middle of things.  As soon as Parker had all of the cards laid out nice and neat....Grace swooped in and wiped them all out.  She was proud.  And also went to time out.  Something she didn't appear to mind too much.

After time out- the sisters were reunited.  I think their faces say it all.  Ahh....sisters.  haha


 Well- we don't have many cucumbers....but I did find this huge one hiding!  I'm sure there are many more hiding!  We have way too many and are planning on cutting them back over the weekend.  Maybe this way they will start to grow?  I don't know.


Parker brought a little purse to AWANA the other night.  And encouraged Grace to bring one too.  It was kind of sweet.  Anyway- in a rush out the door I never checked to see what they brought.  After dinner and while Parker was in choir...Grace and I just walked around for a bit until I had to be in my class.  So finally I thought, "I better check to see what's in here before I take her to class."  And this is what I found.  Their rubber ducky and rubber turtle from the bath.  So funny.


We finally got around to making our healthy breakfast popsicles yesterday morning.  Grace loved the mixture so I am hoping she will eat the popsicle.  Parker always has, but this will be the first time I think Grace might be old enough to be successful at it.


And last, but definitely not least!

Our last night of AWANA was this past Wednesday.  Everyone accumulates points throughout the semester and they are able to 'spend' them at the AWANA store {just bunches of stuff from the dollar store and such}.  

Anyway- when I picked Parker up from her class....she basically ran to Grace's class because she was so excited to show her the 2 fairy princess dolls she for herself...and one for Grace.

My eyes filled with tears.  I was so proud of her in that moment.  Honestly- I worry a lot about her..... she's not the best share-er- she wants what everyone else wants or has, even if she doesn't want it.  

But really- I don't think I give her enough credit.  Because she does think of others...quite a bit actually.  Over the past month or so during her AWANA class...she will purposefully not eat her snack during snack time to save it for her and Grace to eat on the way home.  She's so excited to show Grace and share with her.

I think her sharing just has to be on her terms.  ;)  Which is ok for now.  Because it is sharing, after all.


life rearranged


Viv said...

That's right Marla, kids do share on their terms. It was so sweet though it brought tears to my eyes. In so many ways it reminds me so much of you and Kristin! Precious!

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