-sleeping: to bed between 7:30-8:00. Up in the morning between 7:00 and 8:00. Naps in the morning around 10am for about 1-1.5 hrs. And in the afternoon around 2pm for about 1.5-2 hours.
-clothes: size 12 month
-diapers: size 3.
-feeding: 4- 7 oz bottles of formula (although he probably only drinks 20-24 of those ounces in a day. Eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A few things he likes: hard boiled eggs, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, turkey, ham, grilled chicken, grilled mahi mahi, cheese, yogurt, puffs, yogurt melts. He's not much of a fan of the vegetables, but then again, we are probably not the best about offering them consistently. We have tried to give him steamed broccoli, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes and he does not like. So we are still giving him some of those fruit/veggie snack packs to get those vegetables in.
-he will throw his pacifiers and Fox out of his crib, and when I got into his room to get him…he'll say, "Uh-uh."
-bubs still loves his bath. and is apparently thirsty. :)

-sweet napping babe

-eating his before bedtime snack with the big kids

-at his check-up. healthy!
height: 29.75" (50th percentile)
weight: 20lb, 13oz (25th percentile)

-at the doctor @ 2 weeks and @ 1 year
-bubs still loves his bath. and is apparently thirsty. :)

-sweet napping babe

-eating his before bedtime snack with the big kids

-at his check-up. healthy!
height: 29.75" (50th percentile)
weight: 20lb, 13oz (25th percentile)

-at the doctor @ 2 weeks and @ 1 year
-We started him with whole milk the week after her turned 1. Thankfully….it was a very easy transition. (I hate that I didn't write it down then because now I don't remember exactly!) I believe that I just woke up one morning and started giving him the whole milk in a straw cup and he loved it. And we never went back to formula at all. I know I never put cold milk in his bottle (not that it's bad if you do, but he drank his bottles SO fast and I was afraid he'd get a brain freeze or something- dramatic, I suppose!)….but I think in the week leading up to 'the change'…I put his formula in a sippy cup that he guzzled up just like a bottle.
We took these smash cake pictures the week before his birthday. His first taste of cake! And loved it, of course.
There's that sweet "CHEESE" smile! Oh, this boy!
And FINALLY. I finally got around to taking these (well- Kristin took them, actually). And I still have one more photo prop I want to use and I hope I do it. And soon!
All in a year!
The picture on the left was taken by the wonderful Laura Beltran of Watermelon Photography. She has taken some of my most favorite pictures to date!
He's soooo cute :)
He's such a happy, precious boy! Growing so very fast! Love you Nolan Whitt!
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