I plan to do some updating via Twitter....you can see those updates in the upper left hand corner of the blog. They probably won't be as exciting as if I were actually in labor....but they'll be updates nonetheless!
And then I do plan to post some pictures of our new baby girl sometime today!
Here are my final belly photos at 39 weeks. Uuhhhhh! :)
And I know it's last minute....but I'm a slacker. So....if you have a guess of baby Grace's weight and length...please leave it in the comments. I dropped the ball with this one, so your input is much appreciated! Just for funsies.... :)
I predict 8 lbs 10 oz, 21 inches long, and very, very beautiful like her Mommy and Sister.
I predict 8lbs 6oz, 20" long
I say she will be...
8lbs 3oz, 21 inhes long
Her daddy's prediction is 8lbs 8oz 21 1/4"
I want to put something other than 8lbs...because that is what everyone else is guessing, but I can't imagine her being less than 8lbs considering that Parker wasn't and she is so tiny...so...20 1/2 inches...7 lbs 14 oz...who knows?!
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