So much- in fact- that I feel the need to post them here so that I'll have them forever. ;)
Here are last week's photos....
Little Turkey! Doesn't nap at home! (from Kristin's phone)
Geoff will usually include a caption. These next two were sent with the caption, "I love you Mommy!"
On Thursday morning- I left the house with that nagging feeling of "what am I forgetting???".
About 10 minutes from work...I realized I forgot to take Grace's carseat out of my car! So long story short....Kristin ended up picking the girls up that day because she has and extra car seat....and Geoff has one alas....they made 3 total carseats....leaving Grace to sit in a forward facing seat! Kristin said she kept saying, 'Uh-oh!'. How funny!
Kristin said that Parker wanted her picture taken, too.
This caption read, "The beautiful bride". This dress is from when she was the flower girl in my friend, Emily's, wedding and she says this is her wedding dress.
And this caption read, 'Dr. Grace, M.D.' .
This caption read, "Just like mommy (she wore them on her own) so funny!"
I think this might be my favorite 'photo series' (complete with captions)
"Grace threw a big fit cause she wanted to wear heals...."
'.....on for the moment'
'....happy for the moment! All that mattered.'
Photos from Kristin: The girls were able to play outside on Friday due to this nice weather!
1 comment:
I enjoyed those pictures!!
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