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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Anniversary.

I don't really have very many wedding pictures that were not taken by the photographer (which were really really good, by the way), so this translates to mean...the good photos I do have are copyrighted and I cannot post them. So... I am going to do the best I can. I have really had so much fun going through all of this brings back so many memories and emotions....

And since I am low on non-copyrighted wedding pictures....I decided to post some from our honeymoon.

We went to Sandals Resort in the Bahamas....

This next picture was at an English Pub type restaurant at the resort. I think we went there everyday...sometimes twice...for what they call cheese and chips. It was some kind of cheesy sauce that had peas (yes...little green peas) in it...poured all over these slices of potatoes that were baked...or something. Anyway- it was so good. We made ourselves sick!

The resort had these sail boats. I was very reluctant to go. You see...I was in this Sailing and Canoeing class in college for one of my physical education courses (can you believe they still require this in college???) and my friend Emily had told me it was a great class....uh-huh....Thanks Emmy! I am actually terrified of these things. I have this fear that I will just keep sailing and sailing away and not be able to get back. Then I'd have to jump out and swim in the dirty water if it were a lake or river...and with the sharks if I were in the ocean. And I also have flashbacks of Burna Battles (that was my instructor's name) yelling at me the day we had our "final sail" telling me to turn the thingie....{is it the rudd? the stern? the mast? .....are any of these words ringing a bell with sailing or did I just make them up?} .....and I had to yell back at him (since he was down the river from me) that it was BROKEN!!!!! I honestly don't know how I made it back that day. I know to normal people this may not be scary...but it is to me for some reason. And this incident is really not a big deal to me at all....seeing as how I just wrote this long paragraph about it 8 years later.....

I have digressed.

So with that being said....I wasn't the happiest camper on the sail boat on our honeymoon! This may have been one of our first "tiffs" as a married couple. Me yelling at him telling him what to do....him not knowing what to do but thinking he just being plain scared to death because I don't like sailboats! I mean- Geoff was so confident and you kind of have to know what your doing to sail these my opinion.

Moving on....

You gotta love these awkward "individual" shots that you take of each other when you're on vacation alone.... even when you don't really want to take the picture of do it for the sake of "memories".....I guess.....


Viv said...

Loved looking at the pics. Was going to watch your dvd yesterday and didn't make it, so maybe this weekend. Just love watching all of ya'lls' weddings, yours, Julie's, Katie's(who celebrated their 14th yesterday too) and Pattilyn's. Guess I may have to get them out on Sunday and watch them all again and weep a little! Hope ya'll had a wonderful Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary a little late. I forget that you're wedding anniversary is exactly a month before Blake & met, normally I am good w/dates, but look what nursing school has done to me. I am sorry that I recommended the sailing class, but right now I am in a library and giggling very hard at the idea of you sailing, didn't you flip over several times? Ahh, the good ole days, is this why you don't ever listen to my suggestions anymore, JK! Love the pictures and stories!


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