{written yesterday, posted today}
Oh my goodness.
I cannot believe Grace has been here with us for 6 months. Half of a year. Six months from now we will be celebrating her turning one.
Today has been a great day. No particular reason. Just a fun day with the girls....and my attitude-- while dealing with a little bit of an ornery 2 year old--stayed surprisingly positive.
But today.....has been bittersweet....because although I don't want to go back in time (not that I could if I wanted to).....this month has really hit me hard. Her first year is flying. Parker will be 3 in just two short months....and I can't believe it. It's going too fast.
And I can't help but remind myself, yet again, that I need to really cherish each day. Hard to do sometimes for my own selfish reasons (i.e. I'm tired, a whiny kid, I'm tired, etc.).
And I have said many times that one day I'll look back on these days and miss this.
And today...I did.
Today....I missed Parker as a 6 month old baby. I missed her as a one year old. I missed her just turning 2. I missed her sweet little voice when she would jibber-jabber on the phone. I missed the excitement of watching her learn to crawl....and learning to walk for the first time. I missed holding her when she wasn't so big.....now it is a little awkward holding her. I missed her innocence---(not that she's not still innocent.....but I will say....that when she was younger she may have done things when she knew she shouldn't.....but now she really knows not to do things.....and if I ask her specifically not to something....well then that is the exact thing that she is going to do!).
All of this to say (I know...I'm wordy)....it really hit me today...I mean....really hit me today.....how fast the time is going....and it gave my attitude a much needed jump-start. There are still so many precious moments to be had.....so embrace them!
So now for the real reason for this post.....
Today.....Grace is 6 months old.
- When I walk by her and she is sitting down or in her Exersaucer......she will raise her arms up for me to pick her up. Melts my heart.
- I love her chubby little arms and hands.....and those sweet 'rubber band' wrists!!

- She had her first sleep over at Gramma and Poppa's so that Mommy and Daddy could go out and celebrate Mommy's 30th birthday!
- She had her first 4th of July!

- She started sitting up all by herself! (around July 5th-ish)
- First time in the big girl bath. (July 13th)

- First avocado!
- She's wanting to stand more. Here we are 'practicing.'

- This is one of her favorite toys right now.....

- along with her Fisher-Price piano.

- This is just a picture of us girls before church this past Sunday. I am really trying to get better about taking more pictures with them.

- I attempted to take her growth chair pictures.....but Geoff was not hear.....so after I took a few of the girls together.....I tried to sit her in there by herself. She sat up just fine, but was so excited to be sitting in the chair that she kept plunging herself forward toward me. So I decided not to leave the fate of our 6 month old in the hands of our 2 (almost 3) year old.....and opted to just do the picture tomorrow! We won't be going for her 6 month well-visit until next week, so I'll post the pictures then.
- These are the growth chair pictures from last month.

- You got your first 2 teeth this month! They are the bottom front. Your first tooth came in on July 10th.....and your second tooth on July 18th!

- And to finish up......she just loves her sister. Her whole face lights up when she sees her. Parker is getting better with her, too, although......she is becoming more 'helpful' and this is a scary thing for me.....because...well.....it's not really all that helpful! ;)
This is one of the few times Parker has come up and asked to be in a picture with her sister.
Grace Jean-
You have filled our lives with so much joy in just the short amount of time you have been with us so far. You are still such a laid back baby......really only crying when you are hungry, tired, or want your Momma.
You are grabbing for everything.....and for some reason I still forget....so occasionally.....you will get a handful of whatever is sitting on my plate! You are becoming more vocal....especially when your sister is around!
I just feel so blessed to be your Momma.
I love you.
Love all the pictures. The picture of the 3 of you girls was so good, you need to frame that one.
I can't believe in 6 short more months we will be having her 1st Birthday party. I don't know how many times we can say "we really can't believe how time has flown by" But I really CAN'T!!!
Grace is doing so much!! I know on just another month she will be doing even more and eating more baby food!!!
Happy 1/2 birthday Grace! I love all of the pictures!
What a precious post to remember these wonderful days/moments with your little one!
I completely agree- the times is going too fast- they grow too fast & sometimes it would be nice to go back in time!!
That 6 months really did fly by. Beautiful baby girl, beautiful big sister and beautiful Mommy. This blog brought tears to my eyes, happy tears, but you all know how easily I can cry.
Your girls are beautiful!
I love the way she looks at Parker. I also really like the one with you and the girls. You will treasure that. What a sweet baby!
I absolutely love the monthly pictures of Grace. So cute!
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