I hope you all enjoyed a happy 4th of July! We've had a good day here!
After church....my mom and Terry, and Aunt Sis, Uncle Phil, and Payton all came over for some hot dogs, hamburgers, and homemade ice cream!
Mom and Terry with the grandkids....
Kristin and Phil
This is one of the only pictures I have of Payton. It started getting kind of hectic, so I never ended up getting a picture of all 3 girls together in the dresses my mom and I made them.
Me and Grace...
Trying so desperately to get a good one of the girls.....and failed miserably.
Our plan is to put them back in their dresses in the morning...when they (and us) are rested and happier and try to get a good one of them.
This is my beloved ice cream maker that just might be the death of me, as my bread maker is, as well.
I made strawberry and this is the very first time I have ever tried to make my own. I think it needs a bit more sugar.....but sadly enough....this has not slowed me down, nor kept me from eating it!! As a matter of fact....when I publish this post, I plan to go eat another helping!
(And to share something with you......this recipe calls for 5 cups of heavy whipping cream.....and in 1 serving of heavy whipping cream there are 5 grams of fat....and one serving is equal to 1 tablespoon....sooooo......if you do the math....and I'm not.....but it comes out to be very fattening....but oh so worth it!)
After everyone left and Grace had a little nap.....we took some individual pictures of the girls. This is Grace's first 4th of July....and since I took pictures for Parker's first....I needed (and wanted) to do the same for her!
Here are our firecracker's!!!

For some reason, I just think this is funny and cute. She just started putting her feet in her mouth this week.

And these are my 2 favorites.....

Later in the evening....after I had already folded the flag up....Parker drug it back out....placed Lovey in the middle .....and asked for her purple camera. Love it!
These pix are just precious and I loved getting a glimpse of you & your family's sweet life. I am so glad that all is well. God bless you all. ~ dana mcalister hartless
I love the pictures! And the dresses turned out great. And of course I love the one of Parker taking Lovey's picture. Happy 4th!
I LOVE the picture of Grace and the flag!!!!! LOOOOOVEEE IIITTT!!!!! I love all of them but that is my favorite!!!!
Loved them all! You really should enter some of your pictures in a photo contest.
I LOVE these pictures! All of them are great! And I love the girls in their dresses!! Way to go!
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