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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

He's here!

Nolan Whitt was born yesterday, April 29, 2013 @ 9:21am weighing in at a whopping 8lbs, 12 oz and 20.25 inches long.

After a rough delivery {that I plan to write out really soon so I don't forget!)....Nolan was born without any complications and I am recovering well.  Although things didn't go as I had hoped....the end result did turn out like I had hoped:  Everyone happy and healthy!  And so blessed.

The girls are in love with their baby brother.  They just want to touch him and love on him and hold him.  Parker was only 2 years old when Grace was seeing their excitement at ages 5 and's really the sweetest and neatest thing.

Our first photo as a family of 5!

My heart is full.


Emily said...

Congratulations! He is perfect! Sorry to hear that the delivery was rough, but glad you are all good, happy and healthy.

You look wonderful! And those proud big sisters are adorable : )

Courtney said...

Congratulations! You look amazing! And that family picture?? Absolutely beautiful. So perfect. Happy for you.

Viv said...

My heart is full too! And my eyes a bit full too as it is just so sweet!

jrjones5876 said...

Congratulations! He looks like you!

Aubrey said...

So glad we got to see you guys today! Congratulations!

Emily said...

Love the family pic! So so happy for you all!!

Sanz said...

Oh!!! Congratulations! I love his little hat. I'm looking forward to reading your birth story! My baby is due this week and it's so fun to read about others' experiences! Hope you have a good recovery.

i cant decide said...

Congrats! He's so cute!


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