And we even ended up with a great leftover breakfast for Sunday morning after her party!
Me and the girls before church Sunday morning....
Then Monday came and baby girl came down with the stomach bug, bless her heart.
Parker is just at a fun age of pretending. Within minutes she is in her own world pretending and playing. In these pictures it just so happens to be her plush princess dolls.
I love this sweet face. This is basically the view of her face when I am holding her. I just take a moment and stare at it a lot of the time (I did this same thing with Parker, too). And then I kiss those squishy cheeks! It's like I can't kiss 'em enough.
Grace loves band-aids. And when given the opportunity....she opens them up....and places them right on her head.
Anytime I ask her to smile she will either a) look completely away, or b) give a half smile and look away, or c) lift her head high in the air and smile a big cheese smile with her eyes closed.
She started getting some of her energy back Wednesday and I had a little energy....so I decided to clean the floors. Vacuum, then steam clean. Grace wanted to help vacuum.
Have you had Nutella? Geoff picked it up one day and I finally tried it this past week and oh my goodness it is so good. AND fattening. I told him there is no need to buy this again! ;)
Grace talking on the phone calculator.
Parker loves, loves, loves these little princess figurines and will play with them for an hour at a time. It's fun to sit in the same room and listen while pretending not to be listening. She has full on conversations with singing and reprimanding included.

Great week and pics 'cept for little Grace having that ugly stomach bug. So glad she is better!
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
The bunting for the birthday party looks so cute!
Happy birthday to Grace! Sorry she was sick on her birthday week.
I love the fabric bunting! So pretty.
I love the bunting you made - it turned out so cute! :)
Yes, I have had Nutella, I live in New Zealand so it's quite common to see it in our supermarkets here. Is it not usual in the US? :)
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