We had a pretty good Easter this year! We were able to spend it together as a family....and so that makes it pretty great in and of itself.
I haven't quite figured out all of the logistics of the Easter bunny and such...but we do Santa....and we did the Easter bunny and Santa when I was growing up...and I never questioned the difference between Jesus being the real deal when I discovered that Santa and the Easter bunny were not. So...we 'll see.
Grace didn't want him to come though! She does not like the idea of a strange bunny coming into our house in the wee hours of the morning while she's sleeping. Ha! I guess I don't blame her. :)
Parker was up right at 7:00. Nothing new. She could not stand waiting to open up her basket. I did put her off til I showerd and until Geoff was out of bed. And because I wanted to let Grace sleep a little bit longer...we let her go ahead and open her basket.
She got a Merida dress up dress that she had been wanting since before we went to Disney World. She was very excited about this! And also 2 pair of flip flops.

Grace got up about 20 minutes later and opened up her Pocahontas dress and flip flops. Right now- Pocahontas or Cinderella are her movies of choice to watch when Parker is at school. It's so cute and sweet.
I took this year off and just bought their Easter dresses instead of making them myself. I was so glad I did! It was so nice not having to worry about it at all....and...there was no argument from the girls because they picked them out.
I think they look so cute, too!
Check out Parker's shoes. Oh brother. She wanted some shoes that 'make noise' for Easter....which was fine. And then Kristin found these at Payless. They're ridiculous. But she loves them and she's proud of them...and I guess I don't really care if she wears these shoes. Never thought my 5 year old would be wearing heels though. Haha! :)
We had Sunday school and a great sermon at church....then headed to Kristin's house for lunch. She did everything! {Thank you, Kristin and Phil!} And it was all SO good!
Miss Payton
We took our family pictures right before we ate so we could get the girls out of their dresses. It had been a little overcast, but the sun was trying to come out...and so it was quite bright. Hence- all of our squinty faces. Oh well.
Mom and Terry
Kristin, Phil, and Payton
They've finally figured out how to get really high by themselves!
The food: brisket, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, and deviled eggs. Yum!
Chocolate chip cookie cake that did not disappoint!
It was a little to wet to hunt eggs outside...so we improvised and had a little hunt inside.
Grace, Parker, and Payton. Ready. Set. GO!
I think they found all of the eggs and I don't think it made a difference to them being inside.
Hope ya'll had a Happy Easter! We sure did have a blessed one.
Our family- Easter Past
(Grace was sick, so only Parker and I went to church. Then I had to go home and take a nap before going into work later that evening. No fun.)
Easter 2011
I think I worked and I don't have a picture. :(
Grace is SO little!
You got good pictures!!!
Marla, I kid you not, that was my exact Easter dress and I covered it with a white cardigan! It's also going to be my shower dress! Love the girl's clothes too. Looks like a great Easter! :)
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