The first 2 pictures are of Grace on her first birthday last year. Just 1 year ago!
Eating her first birthday cupcake!
Still my baby though.....wearing her sleepers. ;)
Walking in shoes for the first time....
Her second Easter (first Easter egg hunt party)
A little posing.....
First fishing trip....
Lots of dressing up!
First time riding a carousel....
Our shadows...
Self-feeding. Lots of it all year long!
Wearing Momma's shoes....
Starting to do more crafts and such like her big sister...
Lovin' her spaghetti!
You have to really watch her with markers!
Don't let this sweet face fool you! She is into everything! ;)
That cheese!!
Her second 4th of July...
First busted lip.....poor baby....
First time in a lake! (at our 2011 family vacation)
First time on a boat!
Loves this talking/singing Elmo doll.
More cheesing!
A mess!
The beginnings of her helping in the kitchen!
First trip to the zoo, zoo, zoo! (don't know why I always say it 3 times...well- I's from Dr. Seus....but's like I can't just say it once).
Such a sweet face for such a sweetheart.
More venturing into the land of arts and crafts!
Another cheese!
First time participating in pumpkin activities.
One of the very few pictures of us with just her....(taken by Parker)
Swinging like a big girl...

First trick-or-treating!
Thanksgiving crafting....
First time partaking in gingerbread house decorating...
Should have told us to grab a tissue... LOL tears were rolling down my face... time has flown by entirely too fast!! Love you Grace Jean, Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!! Love, Aunt SIS
Oh my goodness, she is such a sweet, sweet girl. :) I have thought about that video you posted of her on her bday in her crib...that was about the sweetest thing in the world. I love her! And her big sis. :)
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